Can I help with it?
Artist, Animator, Designer
Age 34, Male
Visual Language UCF
United States, CO
Joined on 6/5/09
Can I help with it?
If you're any good at writing music im looking for a theme and some background music. I'm trying to get something from newgrounds. Other than that I don't really know if i can use any help. =\
oooo i wanna help im older than 13 so my voice is deep and im 6'2". those are good enough qualifications right?
Huge fan of your flash. Proves you don't need obscenity and violence to do well in the animation world. Good luck man! I'm animating something huge too. It will be nice to finally finish it. It's definitely a good feeling :-)
good luck, your stuff is amazing
Why'd you break those poor people?!
You're doing surprisingly well for the few submissions you have on the site.
I am 159'13".
I love every single one of your projects so far. You bring a different taste to Newgrounds, and its wonderful. Don't get scared off, and I'll be watching for more! :D And my goodness, you ARE tall.
Cant wait for it. Your work is amazing...
Hope that you can help me sometimes... I am working on a flash animation self but it doesnt really get far...
thanks for all the encouagement. I read all your reviews and i apprieciate them :D
I can help you out with background and theme music if you want.
Just message me and tell me what you want the music to be like and I'll try to come up with something.
Your stuff is almost the feel were looking for. I peticularly like Grey Raindrops... maybe for a snow level. If you could add a strong orchestral baseline or something itd be perfect.
Yeaazzzz make the hillside settlement into a game danmit and also you live in Fl? I DO to which part youll live in/?
Looking forward to it!
Hope to see some really great things from you in the future :)
Also, 2 things
How tall are you?
And I greatly enjoy your banner displaying your submissions!
Lol. I'm glad you like my banner, Goat Man. I'm 6'6" FYI